Advanced Enterprise Development with Java and CORBA |
Duration: 3 days |
- Architects
- Designers
- Consultants
- Developers
- Technical managers
- Any stakeholder in an organization applying technology who wants to understand
CORBA and its facilities
Description |
This three-day course covers the advanced topics and design issues in implementing CORBA based distributed systems using Java. The course will cover areas of design, implementation and architecture of large and complex distributed systems and will show the best approaches to leverage some of the advanced features of the CORBA standard and implementations.
This course has been specially designed for professionals looking to build large-scale, scalable and robust distributed systems for the enterprise using CORBA. |
Objectives |
This course teaches a set of advanced skills necessary to create and deliver well designed, large-scale real-world distributed applications with Java and CORBA. On completion, attendees will be able to:
- Develop robust and industrial-strength applications using Java and CORBA
- Develop portable CORBA based solutions using the Portable Object Adapter (POA)
- Develop inter-operable CORBA solutions to handle ORBS from various vendors
- Use the most advanced CORBA Servcies and Facilities
- Build secure CORBA based applications for the enterprise
- Use Interceptors to customize the inter-ORB communications
- Design multi-threaded and concurrent CORBA based servers
- Design high-performace, scalable and robust CORBA based applications
- Inter-connect CORBA and COM based systems
Course Outline |
Object References and the Portable Object Adapter (POA)
- Anatomy of a CORBA Object Refernece
- Replacement of the Basic Object Adapter (BOA) with POA
- Architecture of the Portable Object Adapter
- Interaction with the Portable Object Adapter
CORBA Interoperabilty
- Overview of CORBA Interoperabilty
- Architectural support for Interoperabilty
- Inter-ORB Bridges of the Portable Object Adapter
- General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP)
- Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP)
- Detailed study of the IIOP architecture
CORBA Services
- Naming
- Event
- Persistent Object
- Life Cycle
- Externalization
- Relationships
- Transaction
- Query
- Licensing
- Property
- Time
- Security
- Trading Object
- Collection
CORBA Facilities
- User Interface
- Information Management
- Systems Management
- Task Management
CORBA Security
- Issues in Applet Security
- Firewalls
- IIOP over the Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
- CORBA Security Service
- Interceptor Concepts
- Interceptor Components
- Interceptor Registration
- Infoamation Exchange between Interceptors
Multi-Threaded CORBA Clients and Servers
- Client Threading
- Server Threading
- Pooling of Threads
- Design of Object Implementation for Threading
- Server Callbacks
Performance, Scalability and Design Issues
- Iterators: Push and Pull Models
- Client-side Caching
- Monitoring Performance
- Scaling
- Load Balancing
- IDL Design issues
COM - CORBA Interfacing
- Overview of COM/DCOM
- Interworking Architecture
- CORBA to COM Data Type Mapping
- COM to CORBA Data Type Mapping
- COM/CORBA Bridges
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