Books and Publications
Real-world experience and expert best practices set
our instructors apart from the rest. Having instructors
speak from experience and not just from a conceptual
perspective is a tremendous value-add for the
participants. Hand-picked from the top programmers,
architects and consultants in the industry, our instructors
have an average 15 years experience and boast an impressive
list of credentials.
Not only are our instructors frequent conference presenters—they
are also accomplished authors. Here are a few
of our recent titles:
InferData's Design by Contract book reaches
the Chinese market!
Due to popular demand, our book titled
"Design By Contract" has been translated in
Chinese to introduce the growing software development
community in China to an important aspect of
object-oriented software construction, design
by contract, with roots in the Eiffel programming
The authors discuss benefits
and potential drawbacks of this programming
concept, and overview how the principles can
be used in analysis as well as programming.
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Faiz Arni,
Professional EJB ,
WROX, 2001.
Written for the experienced Java
developer or manager, Professional EJB provides
a truly in-depth guide to using Enterprise JavaBeans,
including versions 1.0 and 2.0. Filled with
practical advice for good design and performance
and plenty of useful sample code, this title
is one of the best available guides to working
with this powerful component standard.
From Book News,
Demonstrates the basics of developing web-based
enterprise applications using Enterprise JavaBeans
(EJB) within the J2EE architecture. Written
for experienced Java programmers, the book identifies
the advantages of container-managed persistence,
and examines four common design patterns for
business services applications. Later chapters
address how the EJB container handles deployment,
runtime services, resource management, and clustering,
and how to integrate EJBs with the component
object... read
more |

Dr. Richard Mitchell, Design by
Addison-Wesley, 2001. |
From Book News,
This book introduces software developers to
design by contract, an aspect of object-oriented
software construction with roots in the Eiffel
programming language. Major principles of design
by contract are illustrated with examples in
both Eiffel and Java, and readers are shown
how to use the principles to write effective
contracts. The authors discuss benefits and
potential drawbacks of this programming concept,
and overview how the principles can be used
in analysis as well as programming.
Author: Richard Mitchell, InferData