White Papers
InferData is a market leader in enterprise
Java training and consulting. We specialize in Advanced
OO Methodologies, J2EE, and .NET technology training,
mentoring and consulting and are Industry experts in
Java, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), J2EE, .Net and XML-based
Web Services. Please take a moment to read over the
White Papers provided which further describe the technologies
we provide.
Object-Oriented, Component-based Approach to Migrating
Legacy Systems View
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Migration from a legacy to an object-oriented
environment and component enterprise technologies is
a difficult undertaking that faces numerous challenges.
While some of the difficulties are of a technical nature,
key challenges are in migrating development teams to
new technologies, a new way of thinking and often to
a new way of developing software altogether. This short
white paper addresses the problems and the best practices
in training teams who are migrating to the new technology,
the associated thinking, and related process. The advice
and the ideas in this paper represent state of the art
methodologies and best practices used in successful
adoption of the object-oriented and component development
within the enterprise. The experiences are primarily
from our work with a number of financial and insurance
sector companies.
Quality Modeling in UML View
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Modelers at InferData use an approach to creating
and maintaining UML models that yields high-quality
models. The high level of quality comes from:
- Extensive cross-checking between different
models (which requires us to pay attention
to the possible meanings you can give to certain
- Maintaining continuity of structure and
behavior (from models of the problem domain,
through black-box models of the system, to
design models of software)
- Careful testing of models (example-level
models are used to test general-level models)
This paper focuses on modeling the problem domain.
It is intended for developers and managers who use,
or are considering using, the Unified Modeling Language
in their development process. The paper assumes an
elementary knowledge of object-oriented concepts and
their use in OO modeling.
Model Driven Architectures For
J2EE Systems View
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In this paper we outline several best practices for
using the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) to build
enterprise systems on the J2EE platform that enable
us to evolve our applications and adapt to change.
We show how model driven development delivers J2EE
components and systems based on object-oriented principles
and J2EE design patterns that are able to support variations
in functionality and realization required by strategic
enterprise applications. Model and code examples are
Commercial Component Creation
(EJB 2.0) View
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This white paper will help component authors develop
and enhance professional software components
for server applications and for delivery on the "open market." Information
covered in the document is based on our knowledge
and the expertise of those component authors who have
successfully established themselves in the component
This paper was written for those developers who wish
to create components based on Sun Microsystems® Enterprise
JavaBeansT (EJB 2.0T) specification. We discuss
the business benefits of using components and
identify the functionality suitable for server-side
component development in JavaT technology. Finally,
we detail the EJB architecture and the environment
in which these components can be used.