Ant - The Build Tool
Overview of Ant
Anatomy of an Ant build file
Using properties to control tasks
Compiling, packaging, and executing Java code
Calling other Ant script
Logging with Log4J
Overview of Log4J concepts
Configuring and using Log4J
Setting Up MySQL and Connector/J
Overview of MySQL
Overview of Connector/J
Overview of Hibernate
Overview of Hibernate architecture
Configuring Hibernate
Setting up and running your first Hibernate application
O/R Mapping
Overview of the mapping file
The id element and primary key
Id generation methods
Composite id
Hibernate data types
Custom value types
Mapping for collections and associations
Mapping for rich associations
Component mapping
Inheritance mapping
Manipulating and Querying Persistent Data
Persistent classes
Loading an object
Find methods
The Query interface
Performing CRUD operations
Criteria Queries
Using native SQL query
Using lifecycle and interceptor callbacks
Transactions and concurrency
The Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
The select clause
The from clause
The where clause
Aggregate functions
Sorting, grouping, etc.
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EJB Development with JBoss
Overview of JBoss
JBoss-specific EJB deployment descriptors
Developing container-managed persistence entity beans with JBoss
Deploying EJB to JBoss
Administering JBoss Server
Struts Framework Overview
What is Struts
How does Struts work
A Struts example
Struts Action
What is an Action
Action hierarchy
Action configuration
Action execution
Built-in action classes
Action Form
What is an ActionForm
ActionForm design
ActionForm configuration
Dynamic action forms
Struts Error and Message Handling
Message resource bundle
Struts Configuration
Configuring web.xml for Struts applications
Configuring struts-config.xml
Exception Handling
Declarative exception handling
Programmatic exception handling
Testing Enterprise Applications with JUnit
How does JUnit work
Writing test cases and test suite