Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL) consists of several JSP custom tag libraries
that encapsulate, as simple tags, core functionality common to many JSP
applications. The standardization lets you learn a single tag and use it on
multiple JSP containers.
JSTL provides support for core iteration and control-flow features, text
inclusion, internationalizaton-capable formatting tags, and XML-manipulation
tags. It also supports an expression language to simplify page development.
This three day course is designed for Web designers who have no or little Java
experience. It first gives students an overview of JSP and XML from a web
designer's perspective and then moves on to cover all the JSTL tags.
Numerous examples are used to illustrate the usage of the tags. This course
is highly hands-on. %60 of the time will be spent on labs.
At the end of this course participants will be able to:
Install JSTL and make it available to JSP pages
Use JSTL Core tag library to control the flow of web applications
Use JSTL tag libraries to present dynamic contents
Use JSTL XML tag library to process XML files
Use JSTL tags to internationalize and localize numbers, currencies, dates, and text messages
Course Outline
How does JSP work
Introduction to XML
Overview of JSP Customer Tags
Overview of JSP Standard Tag Libraries
JSTL Core Tag Library
Overview of JSTL Core tag library
The JSTL Expression Language
Working with Scopes
Controlling flows with conditions
Controlling flows with loops
Importing text
Redirecting requests
JSTL XML Tag Library
Introduction to XPath and XSLT
Importing and Parsing XML documents
Accessing XML document elements
Controlling flows based on XML documents
Transforming XML with JSTL
JSTL Formating Tag Library
Overview of internationalization and localization
Reading and printing numbers
Reading and printing currencies
Reading and printing dates
Internationalizing text messages
JSTL Database Tag Library
JSP to database: to do or not to do
Setting datasource
Executing queries
Accessing query results
Updating database
Managing transactions
Research Blvd., Suite 350, Austin, TX 78759 | 512.306.8225