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The Zen of Dojo
3 Days
This course is designed for experienced Web application developers and
Web 2.0 Developers
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Attendees must be conversant in Web applications, HTML and JavaScript. Familiarity with AJAX would be helpful but not necessary.
For JavaScript and AJAX, we recommend the following two courses respectively.
Dojo has recently caught the attention as a popular AJAX toolkit. But it is
much more than that. Quite simply put, it is an Open Source JavaScript UI
toolkit. It makes writing JavaScript easier, building dynamic UIs very
simple and interacting with server-side components a breeze. The foundation
of Dojo is "Dojo Base", a single tiny library which contains Ajax, event
handling, effects, quick CSS queries, language utilities, and a lot more.
On top of this Base, the rest of Dojo Core adds high-quality
facilities for Drag and Drop, extended forms of Ajax and I/O, JSON-RPC,
internationalization, back-button handling etc.
Layered on Dojo Core
is the widget system, Dijit, for building UI components easily. If you can
write HTML and CSS, Dijit allows you to quickly build reusable client-side
components (by using extended attributes on HTML). By upgrading standard
HTML instead of inventing a new markup language, Dijit makes building
powerful Web 2.0 UIs very easy to learn.
This three day course does an in-depth look at the various parts of
Dojo both from a client side as well as server side perspective. This
will give you the tools to become facile with Dojo and to even extend it
suit your requirements.
We use the latest stable version of Dojo in this class.
This course is targeted to give detailed guidance to building Web 2.0
applications using Dojo. On completion, attendees would be able to:
Understand the various components of the Dojo toolkit
Pick the tools and frameworks that can be used along with Dojo
Understand the various core JavaScript enhancements included in Dojo
See the various components added by the Dojo Core system libraries
Build powerful UI components by using Dijit
Use server-side components in Dojo to interact with AJAX frameworks
Understand how to deal with data on the server and client side
Extend Dojo by writing custom widgets, library components
Learn how to use the Dojo Grid component
Learn how to localize and internationalize a dojo-based application
Learn how to build automated test cases using the Dojo Objective Harness (D.O.H.)
Course Outline
Introduction to Dojo
What is Dojo?
Why Dojo? Why not
Installation, Development Tools, etc.
Dojo Base
Getting Started with Dojo
Namespace Concepts, Package System, Custom Builds
Declarative and Programmatic Models
Event System:
Connecting multiple events
Augmenting JavaScript events
Event attributes and handlers
Page loading
Pub/Sub messaging, Topics
Object Oriented Dojo
Javascript Objects, Prototype
OO Dojo: report(), statics, ...
Functions as Objects
Classes, Constructors
Inheritance, Mixins
Dojo Core
Working with Widgets
Interacting with Widgets
Drag and Drop (DND)
DnD Actions
Styling DnD items
What is Dijit
Markup, Validation, Assist, Feedback
Layout, Command Control: menus, toolbars
Date and Times
Advanced Editing, Rich Text, Themes
Filtering Select, Lists and Trees
I18N, Accessibility
Ajax and Dojo
A simple AJAX example
Using JSON
Form Data, RPC
Back Button, Undo, Bookmarks
Advanced AJAX features
Styling and Dojo Themes
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
CSS Syntax
Cascading order: External, Interal and Inlined
Class and ID selectors
Pseudo-class selectors
Creating custom styles
Dojo themes
Dojo theme structure
Creating custom Dojo themes
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Writing Custom Widgets
Compound Widgets
Objects and Templates
The Memo Widget
Widget by Refactoring
Dojo Data
dojo.data: Design and APIs
Using and Creating Datastores
Data-Enabled Dijit
dojo.storage client side storage
Dojo Grid
The Flexible Grid
MVC and Grid
Datastores and Models
Filtering by Queries
Cell editing
Internationalization (I18N)
Message and resource bundles
Dojo I18N functions
Formatting dates
Formatting numbers
Formatting currencies
Avoiding translation pitfalls
Dojo Objective Harness (D.O.H.)
Fundamentals of the D.O.H. testing framework
D.O.H. assertions
D.O.H. Test fixture
Group registration function
Asynchronous testing with doh.Deferred
Browser-based testing
Advanced Dojo
dojo.query: nodes by Tag, ID or Class
XPath-like Queries
Drawing with GFX
Integration with Web Services
Threads - dojo.Deferrable
Porting Dojo applications