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Server Side Ajax
2 Days
This course is designed for experienced Web application developers and
Technical managers
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As Ajax-related technologies are being adopted rapidly by the Web
development community, a new breed of Ajax frameworks have emerged -
server-side Ajax component frameworks. They allow Ajax-kind of user
experience delivered mostly by server-side components.
Developers can use the server-side languages and tools they are
mostly familiar with to develop, debug, and refactor these components.
This two day course looks at several such popular frameworks, including
JSON-RPC for Java, DWR (Direct Web Remoting), GWT (Google Web Toolkit),
Ajax4jsf, IBM's JSF Widget Library (JWL) and the tool support provided by
Rational Application Developer (RAD) to build AJAX applications.
This course aims to teach a set of advanced skills for implementing
practical, industrial-strength Ajax solutions. On completion,
attendees would be able to:
Understand what server-side Ajax frameworks are
What server-side Ajax frameworks are available
Use the JSON-RPC-Java framework to build and invoke server-side Java
Use the DWR framework to allow Javascript in a browser to interact
with Java on a server
Use Google Web Toolkit (GWT) to write the front end in Java and compile
the Java classes to browser-compliant JavaScript and HTML
Use Ajax4jsf to add Ajax capabilities to JSF based Web applications
IBM's JSF Widget Library (JWL)
Course Outline
Overview of Server-Side Ajax Frameworks
What is server-side Ajax
Popular server-side Ajax frameworks
JSON-RPC for Java
How does JSON-RPC-Java work
JSONRPCBridge and Global bridge
Type mapping
JavaScript client
Direct Web Remoting
How does DWR work
Setting up web.xml and dwr.xml
Callback methods
Scripting with generated JavaScript
Integration with servlet, Struts, etc.
Error handling
Reverse AJAX
Java Server Faces (JSF)
Overview of JSF
Component Model
Event Model
Request lifecycle
Managed Beans
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JSF Widget Library (JWL)
Overview of JWL
Building JWL applications using Rational Application Developer (RAD)
Overview of Ajax4jsf
Partial updates of web pages using JSF requests
Buidling User Interfaces with Ajax4jsf
Selected coverage of Ajax4jsf tags
Google Web Toolkit
How does GWT work
GWT compiler
Hosted and Web Modes
Client-side code
Server-side code
Building user interfaces with GWT
Remote Procedure Call in GWT