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Mastering RichFaces
3 Days
This course is designed for professionals who have at least one year of
experience with building web applications in Java, JSP and Servlets
Web Developers
Web Designers
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RichFaces is a rich user interface component library and a framework for JSF (JavaServer Faces). RichFaces enables
you to easily integrate AJAX capabilities in your web applications and develop visually rich internet applications (RIA).
RichFaces includes a large number of very components so that you may rapidly build your web interfaces by
assembling these components. RichFaces also has strong support for customizing the look-and-feel via the use of skins.
Since RichFaces is built on top of JSF, you also get the full benefit of the JSF framework such as validation, data conversion etc.
With RichFaces, you can immediately add AJAX support to existing JSF applications. The framework is also extensible so that you
may create your own custom components. RichFaces provides support for management of resources such as images, JavaScript code, CSS style sheets and other documents. RichFaces also includes an automated testing facility to generate test cases for your components.
In this course, we will teach you how to install the RichFaces development environment and how to design effective,
efficient, visually compelling and functionally rich web applications using this framework. We will explore the entire set of components
provided by RichFaces and will learn how best to use them. We will also learn how to create custom components. This course is filled with
fully worked out examples demonstrating the concepts covered in the lecture material. The exercises reinforce the concepts covered in the class. We also ensure that not only do you master the RichFaces framework, but that you also learn the design patterns and best practices. You walk in as a RichFaces novice and you will walk out a RichFaces expert.
This course has been specially designed for professionals looking to build visually rich, AJAX-enabled, Web 2.0
applications using the RichFaces and JSF framework. This course is taught by experts who have been developing web applications
for more than a decade and AJAX and JSF applications for the last 5 years. Not only you get the technical knowledge, but you
will also learn what works and what does not from folks who are immersed in this framework and will share their practical
experience with you. It is an intensely hands-on course. More than 50% of the time will be spent on labs.
This course can be taught using any of the following application servers: Tomcat JBOSS, WebSphere 7, WebSphere CE, WebLogic and GlassFish. For the development environment, you may use Eclipse, Rational Application Developer or NetBeans. Please indicate your choice of the application server and the IDE while registering.
This course aims to teach a set of advanced skills necessary to
design and implment visually rich, AJAX-enabled web applications using the RichFaces framework.
As part of the course, attendees will implement a comprehensive website that makes use of RichFaces
components to provided a compelling and attractive web front-end to an enterprise application.
This course also provides practical insights into architecting,
good practices, and patterns. On completion, attendees would be able to:
Install the RichFaces library and development tools
Understand the RichFaces architecture
Learn the RichFaces component library
Build AJAX-based web applications using RichFaces
Create custom RichFaces components
Customize user interfaces using Skins
Create custom skins
Integrate Drag-and-drop functionality in web pages
Integrate GoogleTM map functionality in web pages.
Display large amount of data efficiently using Data tables
Integrate special effects provided by scriptaculous
Draw images using the Draw2D
Add menus (including context-sensitive ones)
Internationalize and localize the web interfaces
Display hierarchical data using trees
Embed multi-media content including movies
Course Outline
Overview of RichFaces
Overview of AJAX and JSF
RichFaces and JavaServer Faces (JSF)
AJAX and RichFaces
Installation of RichFaces
A first working example using RichFaces
RichFaces Framework
Nature of AJAX requests
Filter configuration
Error management
Session management
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Support for Skins
Creating custom Skins
Ajax Support
Introduction to Ajax4Java (a4j)
Ajax Support (a4j:support)
Ajax Region (a4j:region)
Command Buttons and Links
Polling (a4j:poll)
Push (a4j:push)
Status (a4j:status)
JavaScript with a4j:jsFunction
Containers and Layout
Panel Bar
Panel Menu
Tab Panel
Toggle Panel
Modal Panel
Separator and Spacers
RichFaces Components
Inplace Input and Select
Combo Box
Number Slider
Number Spinner
Suggestion Box
List Shuttle
Ordering and Pick Lists
Advanced RichFaces Components
Color Picker
Rich Text Editor
File Upload
Media Output
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Menus and MenuBar
Menu Group
Drop Down Menu
Content Menu
Menu Item and Listener
Menu Separator
Tool Bar
Tables and Dynamic Data Display
Data Grid
Data Table
Data Scroller
Table Filtering and Sorting
Tree tags and API
Tree Adaptor
Recursive Tree Adaptor
Drag and Drop
Drag and Drop Architecture
Drag Support
Drop Support
Drag Indicator
Drag Drop Parameter
Resource Bundles
Message Tags
Advanced Topics
Adding special effects
Semantic Layouts
Google Map
Microsoft's Virtual Earth
Automated Testing