Internet Technology Overview
- What is the Internet?
- IP
- IETF and W3C
HTML Basics
- Introduction to HTML
- Formatting tags
- List
- Tables
- Hyperlinks and Anchors
- Images
- Frames
Advanced HTML
- CGI and Forms
- Cascading Style Sheets
- Cookies
- Limitations of HTML
- New Technologies: XML, XHTML
JavaScript Basics
- Adding JavaScript to HTML
- Server-side vs. Client-side Applications
- CGI vs. JavaScript
- Java vs. JavaScript
JavaScript Constructs
- Data types
- Operators
- Control Structures
- Functions, Methods, and Events
- Objects
- Browser Object Model
- Document Object Model
Advanced JavaScript
- Interactive Forms and Verifying Form Data
- Targeting Frames and Windows with JavaScript
- Cookies and JavaScript Security
- Custom JavaScript Objects
- Debugging JavaScript: HTML, Syntax, Runtime Errors
- Putting it all together: A Case Study