Course Introduction
- Introducing Mastery Learning
- Understanding the Course Format
- Reviewing the course prerequisites
- Reviewing the course outline
- Setting up the application files
Introducing Adobe Flex 3
- Understanding rich Internet applications
- Understanding Adobe Flex
- Understanding Adobe Flex Builder
- Understanding the foundation of the RIA: Flash Player/Flash Virtual Machine
- Understanding the Flex application process flow
- Accessing remote data resources from a Flex application
- Getting help and other resources
Getting Started with Flex
- Understanding the relationship between Eclipse and Flex Builder
- Exploring the Flex Builder interface
- Creating a project and your first application
- Debugging a Flex application
- Accessing help in Adobe Flex Builder
Learning Flex Fundamentals
- Creating a simple Flex application
- Displaying images
- Laying out a Flex application with containers
- Using the Panel container
- Using the ControlBar container
- Adding user interface controls
- Creating data bindings between components
- Architecting an application with MXML components
- Creating properties and methods for MXML components
Handling Events
- Understanding events
- Creating event handlers using inline ActionScript
- Handling events within ActionScript functions
- Placing ActionScript functions in external files
- Understanding the Event object
- Using the addEventListener() method
Laying out an Application Using Constraint-Based Layout
- Understanding absolute positioning
- Positioning components within a Canvas container
- Creating a constraint-based layout using Flex Builder
- Creating a constraint-based layout via MXML
- Using Enhanced Constraints
- Using constraint-based layouts within nested containers
Using View States for Application Design
- Understanding view states
- Controlling view states
- Reviewing the generated MXML code
- Creating view states that include custom component states
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Creating Application Navigation
- Understanding navigator containers and controls
- Using the LinkBar control
- Using the TabBar control
- Using the ViewStack container
- Using the TabNavigator container
- Using the Accordion container
- Using ButtonBar & ToggleButtonBar
- Using the ApplicationControlBar container
Customizing the Application
- Customizing Flex application look and feel
- Modifying Styles to change look-and-feel
- Using Themes
- Applying behaviors to components
- Applying transitions to view state changes
Using ActionScript Data Models
- Using the MVC design pattern
- Creating an MXML data model
- Using ActionScript classes as a data model
- Creating an ActionScript constructor with parameters
- Defining class methods
Exchanging Data Between Components Using Custom Events
- Understanding the problem with bindings
- Creating custom events
- Sending data with a custom event
Creating Data Entry Forms
- Using the Form container
- Sharing Form Data
- Validating form data
- Triggering validation with events
- Triggering validation with ActionScript
Retrieving XML Data with HTTPService
- Retrieving XML data at runtime
- Handling results
- Handling results using an event handler
- Handling faults
- Making HTTP requests to different domains
- Making HTTP requests with parameters
Displaying Data Using the DataGrid
- Using the DataGrid control
- Specifying DataGrid columns
- Formatting DataGrid columns
- Using item renderers and item editors
- Inline item renderers and item editors
- Item renderer and item editor components
- Using the TileList and HorizontalList
- Using events and selected items with list-based components