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Ajax Application Design with YUI
3 Days
This course is designed for experienced Web application developers and
Web 2.0 Developers
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If you are used to some of the newer Web 2.0 sites like google maps, yahoo
mail, etc., you must have noticed the fast reponse and the dynamic
page refreshing. What is happening behind the scenes is a new way of
building Web applications that has taken the Internet by storm. Ajax
(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) capitalizes on the browser's ability to
asynchronously communicate with the web server and builds on existing
JavaScript and XML technologies.
There are many commonly used toolkits in the Ajax world. Rico, Dojo, etc.
The Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library stands out among them as a very
friendly, easy to use toolkit.
It contains a set of utilities and controls, for building RIA. It combines
techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX. The YUI Library also
includes several core CSS resources. Graded Browser Support provides a
sane path to achieving accessibility and graceful degradation while still
building richly interactive interfaces in the browser.
After looking at how Ajax works, this course will cover the techniques,
frameworks, and tools that help build professional Ajax-based Web
applications using YUI. More than 70% of the time will be spent on hands-on
This course is targeted to give detailed guidance to building Web 2.0
applications using YUI. On completion, attendees would be able to:
Understand how Ajax works
Use basic Ajax techniques to build better web user experience
Use YUI library components
Work with server-side components using YUI
Incorporate some best practices
Get familiar with some case studies
Course Outline
Introducing Ajax
Life Before Ajax
What, Why and How of AJAX
Overview of DOM
Your first Ajax application
JavaScript/CSS Fundamentals
Quick language refresher
Objects, Events, Regexp
Client-side Validation
Basic Ajax Techniques
Browser Compatibility
Asynchronous Invocation
Handling XML
Complete AJAX Example
Introducing YUI
Using YUI
API Documentaion
The YUI Compressor
YUI Tools: profile, test, log
YUI Core
The YAHOO Global Object
YAHOO DOM Collection
Event Utility
Head first YUI Example
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YUI Library Utilities
Element Utility
JSON Utility
Drag and Drop, Animation
Connection Manager (XHR)
DataSource Utility
Get Utility (dynamic script/css)
Browser History Manager
YUI Library Controls/Widgets
Button, Calendar, Menu, ...
Container, Layout Manager
TabView, TreeView
YUI Library CSS Tools
CSS Reset
CSS Base
CSS Fonts
CSS Grids
Advanced Concepts
Some Design Patterns
Security Best Practices
Case Studies
Thoughts on Performance Issues