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Hibernate - Developing Java Relational Persistence Applications
Three days
This course is designed for experienced Java developers, architects, and
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Audience should know Java and have a working knowledge of relational
database and SQL.
Hibernate is an open source object/relational mapping framework for Java.
It is lightweight, yet powerful enough to relieve the developers from
most of the manual work otherwise needed in handling data persistence.
This course covers all aspects of using hibernate in developing Java
relational persistence applications, from configuration, defining
mappings, writing complex queries, handling concurrency, transactions, to employing best practices.
This class is very hands-on and is filled with real-life practical examples and exercises drawn from our vast consulting experience building large-scale enterprise-class applications. We pay special attention to strategies relating to creating efficient and high performance, yet flexible and maintainable Hibernate applications. Using the knowledge gained from this class and the lab source code, you will be able to hit the ground running when you get back to work the day after the class.
This class is authored and taught by experts who have been developing Hibernate applications and mentoring development teams in this technology for more than 10 years. We use the latest stable version of Hibernate in this class.
At least 60% of the time will be devoted to labs.
Upon completion, students will be able to:
Understand the Hibernate framework architecture
Write Hibernate configuration file
Write Hibernate mapping files
Define persistence classes
Write queries with Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
Use Java annotations to describe hibernate O/R mapping, queries and other configuration data
Master the Object-Relational mapping strategies from Java to relational tables
Understand the issues with concurrency and transactions in Hibernate applications
Identify and remove performance bottlenecks to create highly efficient applications
Learn best practices in using Hibernate to build real world applications
Course Outline
Overview of Java Persistence
Overview of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
Java-based ORM Frameworks
Impedence mismatch and solutions
Overview of Hibernate architecture
Setting up and running your first Hibernate application
Configuring Hibernate
Hibernate configuration property file
Hibernate configuration XML file
Java annotations for describing Hibernate configuration data
Hibernate mapping files
Database dialects
Hibernate API
Obtaining a SessionFactory
User-provided JDBC connection
Using code generation tool
Using schema generation tool
Using mapping file generation tool
O/R Mapping
Mapping strategies
Overview of the mapping file
Class to Table mapping
Mapping properties to columns
The id element and primary key
Identifier (primary key) generation methods
Composite primary keys
Hibernate data types
Custom value types
Mapping for collections and associations
Mapping for rich associations
Component mapping
Inheritance mapping
Manipulating and Querying Persistent Objects
Persistent classes (Entities)
Life cycle of an entity
Transient and Peristent states
Loading an object
Automatic checking for dirty state
Detached objects
Merging objects
Find methods
The Query interface
Performing CRUD operations
Criteria Queries
Using native SQL query
Using lifecycle and interceptor callbacks
Transactions and concurrency
The domain model
Entities and values
Uni-directional vs. Bi-directional
Using lists, maps, bags and arrays for collection-valued associations
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The Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
The select clause
The from clause
The where clause
Aggregate functions
Sorting, grouping, etc.
Object fetching options
Named queries
Native SQL
Query by Example (QBE)
Scrolling and pagination
Query hints
Strategies for modeling inheritance in the persistence layer
Table per concrete class
Table per (closed) class hierarchy
Table per sub-class
Design and performance considerations in choosing the right inheritance strategy
Advanced Persistence
Lazy loading for performance
Cascaded operations
Proxy objects
The Java Transaction API (JTA)
Configuring Hibernate transactions
Hibernate Transaction API
Transaction isolation levels
Optimistic and pessimistic locking
Performance and Best Practices
Collections and performance
Hibernate Cache Architecture
Cache concurrency
Caching levels and regions
The N+1 select problem (and how to avoid it)
Batch fetching
Sub-select fetching
Miscellenous tips and tricks