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Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP)
Three days
This course is designed for developers who already have some experience
in Java.
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Java Servlet technology provides a Java-based replacement for CGI scripts.
It offers better performance, portability among different platforms, and
full access to the Java technology. It also enables enterprise developers
to build server-side components that generate and serve web pages
dynamically. JSP is based on Servlets. It enables web designers to embed
Java code in HTML pages through easy-to-use tags. Using JSP, developers
can access other Java applications and business objects to build dynamic
Web pages.
This is a highly hands-on course. At least 50% of the time will be spent on
labs. This course may be delivered using WSAD 5.x, Rational Application
Developer 6.x, WebSphere 5.x/6.x, Tomcat, or WebLogic 8.x. Please
contact us if it is needed on other platforms.
This course aims to teach a set of advanced skills necessary to implement
robust, scalable, reusable enterprise applications using JSP and
Servlets. On completion, attendees will be able to:
Generate dynamic web pages using JSP and Servlet technologies
Leverage Java Component technology in building web pages
Use and create JSP custom tags
Set up and deploy JSP and Servlets on a popular application server or
servlet engine
Access database from servlet code using JDBC
Course Outline
Internet Technology Overview
Overview of Internet related concepts: TCP/IP, DNS, ...
Overview of HTTP protocol
Overview of Servlets and Web Applications
Web Application packaging
Servlet interactions
Servlet lifecycle
Session tracking
Dispatch, forward, and include
Servlet Filters
Overview of Servlet filters
Filter's lifecycle
Defining servlet filters
Using filters to do preprocessing
Using filters to block response
Using filters to modify response
Java Servlet 2.4
Overview of what's new in Servlet 2.4
Changes to the RequestDispatcher
Changes to the ServletRequest
Changes to the RequestListener
The new XML schema for Web application's deployment descriptors
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JavaServer Pages
Overview of JSP
JSP Scripting
Actions and Implicit Objects
JSP and JavaBeans
Custom Tags
Introduction to Custom Tags
Error Handling, Thread Safety, Accessing Page Info, etc.
Body Tag and Iteration
BodyContent and Nested Tags
Scripting Variables
Custom Tags and JavaScript
JSP 2.0
Overview of JSP 2.0
The EL Expression Language
New APIs for building custom tags
Creating custom tags with tag files
Integration with Database Access
Overview of JDBC
Defining data sources
Looking up data sources using J2EE naming service
Displaying results