A Managers Guide to Google Cloud Computing
1/2 Day
This course is designed for managers to help evaluate the applicability
of using the Google App Engine in their environment
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When Google opened up the Google App Engine (GAE) to the world, cloud
computing took a giant leap forward. The GAE engine makes it easy to
deploy Java based application solutions to the cloud.
This course presents a manager's perspective of the benefits and
potential drawbacks of using the Google cloud computing environment.
This course provides a high-level overview of what the Google App
Engine can do and what effect it will have to your applications.
We'll discuss the economic model for cloud-computing and the
technical challenges that it entails.
Understand how the Google App Engine effects your software developemnt
and deployment
Understand how the GAE compares to the other common options for cloud
Course Outline
Cloud computing
- What is cloud computing
- Why cloud computing?
- What are your options?
- How do Google compare to her competitors?
Google App Engine and Legacy Applications
- Google Apps Engine and compatibility with JEE
- Options for migration
- Experience reports
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Summary and Conclusions
- The financial model of cloud computing
- A quick walkthrough real-world examples
- Some useful references