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Using the Eclipse Platform for Enterprise Development
3 days
This course is designed for architects and developers who already have
experience in Java and J2EE development.
Enterprise Application Developers
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This course assumes that audience already has working knowledge of
Java, Enterprise JavaBean (EJB), JSP, Servlet, and in general, J2EE technologies.
Eclipse is a very popular IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for developing applications
in a number of programming languages including Java, C/C++, Ruby, PHP etc.
The power of Eclipse comes from its innovative, extensible, component-based architecture called
the Plugin Architecture. This means an eclipse-based tool can be extended indefinitely
with more and more features.
In this class, we shall use the latest stable version of the Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java development.
It supports the full cycle of Java and JEE development, as well as XML and Web services
This course teaches students how to use Eclipse to develop Java, JEE 5, J2EE, XML,
and Web services development as well as how to use the team environment to do source
control. It also shows you many of the tricks and short cuts that enable you to develop
your applications quickly, efficiently while enforcing best programming practices.
It does not cover the theories of each individual technology in
detail; rather it gives a succint overview of the relevant technology and
then focuses on using the tool itself.
This course is highly hands-on. Approximately 70% of the time will be
devoted to lab work.
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
Navigate around the IDE
Create projects
Compile, run, debug, and depoy applications
Using Visual Editor
Using CVS within Eclipse to do source control
Using Profiling tool to fine tune your application's performance
Import and export WAR files, EJB jar files, and EAR files
Build Enterprise Applications
Build EJB modules
Build Web modules
Build Web services
Create and configure server projects
Deploy enterprise applications to the builtin test server
Deploy enterprise applications to production servers
Create XML file, DTD file, and XML Schema files
Design databases with the Data Perspective
Course Outline
Overview of Eclipse
Plugin architecturev
Workspace overview
Perspectives, Views and Editors
Creating projects
Edit, compile, and run Java applications
Debugging Java applications
JDT Features
Code completion
Using code templates
Using the powerful refactoring feature
Generating code while performing top-down design
Effectively using the Quick Fix feature
Effectively using Cheat sheets
Creating custom code templates
Defining and enforcing custom code formatting standards
Configuring the Java versions
Team Development Using CVS
Concurrent Version System (CVS) overview
Installing CVS
Creating repository
Adding projects to repository
Committing changes
Update from repository
Comparison and merge
Resolving conflicts
Creating versions
Configuration for Enterpise Development
Installing and configuring multiple Server runtimes
Managing project facets
Setting up eclipse update sites for automatic plugin and feature updates
Visual Editor for Java
Overview of Visual Editor for Java
Adding visual components
Code Synchronization
Externalizing strings
Event handling
Using Code Template to add event listeners
Testing Visual JavaBeans
Eclipse Overview
Eclipse platform architecture
Eclipse API
Write Plug-ins manually
Install a plug-in
Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)
PDE perspective and concepts
PDE project structure
Creating plug-in with PDE
Debug and run a plug-in
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Developing Session Beans with Eclipse
JEE/J2EE Perspective overview
Creating enterprise application and EJB project
EJB project structure
Creating session beans with wizard
Using EJB Deployment Descriptor editor
Generating deployment code
Deploying to the installed JEE Server
Developing Peristence Applications with JPA
Introduction to Java Persistence API (JPA)
JPA Development perspective
Data Source Explorer
Writing Java applications to access/update data using JPA
Viewing database schemas, tables and records from Eclipse
Developing Web Applications with Eclipse
Overview of Web applications and WAR file structure
Creating Web projects
Editing Web Application deployment descriptors
Developing Servlets
Developing JavaServer Page
Developing custom tags
Using the XML Development Environment
Overview of XML Concepts
Creating XML file from scratch
Creating XML schemas using the XML Schema Editor
Generating XML from XSD files
Generating XML from DTD files
Developing Web Services
Overview of Web Services Concepts
Developing Web Services in Eclipse
Publishing Web Services
Discovering and using Web Services
Advanced Data Access
Database design in Data perspective
Creating SQL statements to access data
Generating XML from queries